Ja.Code Time alone will tell.

Change System Default Xcode in Mac

Jacob Pan

Show the default xcode in mac os x:

$ xcode-select -p

Change system default xcode

# xcode-select -switch /Applications/Xcode.app

If there are more than one xcode installed in mac os x, the second one will be named “xcode 2”. Sometimes, it’ll raise some errors because the “ “(space) in the name.

For instance, to build libnet, I followed the BUILD-FROM-GIT.txt at the top of project. Because my default xcode is named “xcode 2”, it throw an error as /bin/sh: /Applications/Xcode: No such file or directory. After I switched to “xcode” using the cmd above, the build process success.

Jacob Pan ( jacobpan3g.github.io/ )

